
A site for projects and tutorials. built by @IDEK_a_Leroy on Twitter
Leroy-B on Github.

If you're visiting this webpage on a jailbroken device, click the button below to add my repository to the source list of yours.


  • iOS HTML Themes

    I've made a few HTLM widgets to use on iOS. In order to use these, your device has to be jailbroken and you also need Anemone to select the themes.

    Available themes
  • iOS Tweaks

    The tweaks I code are usually small, as I'm just starting out with Objectiv-C and Swift. If you have a suggestion let me know. Visit the iOS tweaks section to get a list my available packages.

    Tweak section
  • Miscellaneous

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    Look through

Tweak section

Name Description New in this version Current version Download
NoPasscodeButtonLightup Suppresses the code entry buttons from lighting up. Fix for the update loop. 2.0.2 Package Souce code
CustomCarrier Allows to enter a custom string for the carrier text in the statusbar. Fix for loading setting. 2.0.2 Package Souce code
CustomSBIconList Allows moving the icon list on the homescreen. Fix for loading setting. 2.0.2 Package Souce code

About me

I am studying computer science, focusing on programing. I try to widen my spectrum by doing a variety of projects.

Feedback is always welcome.